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wAwB wCwD wEwF wGwH wIwJ wKwL wMwN wOwP wQwR wSwT wUwV wWwX wYwZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
asia fashion week +circles 35
india TROUSSEAU week 16
india ethnic week IEW 41, 42
MAREA weekend 12
SIENA weekend 12
UNWIND weekend clothing 25
DATABANK weekly 16
OUTLOOK the weekly newspape 16
RASI weekly 16
WOMEN'S weekly 16
mid-day's weekly PORTFOLIO 16
tamil LAKSHMI weekly 16
the weekly SUN 16
GBI weft forks 7
W&W wrap n weft 22
wei-chuan +circles 29, 30
AVERY weigh-tronix 9
GA-GILARCO belt weighers 9
WI weighguard india +circle 9
ABLAZE summit of weighing 9
EQUAL digital weighing scal 9
ETHREE weighing system 9
GOONJ weighing scales 9
KILOTRON weighing technolog 9
KWS KANAN weighing systems 9
LEGEND innovative weighing 9
MASTER electronic weighing 9
NAVBHARAT scales & weighing 9
OMNI electroniic weighing 9
PRECI-TECH weighing systems 9
SENSOTECH weighing system 16
SHINETEK weighing scale 9
TARGET weighing scale +oval 9
VENUS weighing systems 9
WEIGHT MATE weighing scale 9
toyo digital weighing scale 9
weight WATCHER 5
weight watchers 5, 29
ATCO the truth by weight 9
CAMBRIDGE weight plan 29
CNX 100 equal weight index 36
DR. MOREPEN weight & WATCH 9
KNOCK OUT heavy weight punc 32
RAYS light weight +oval 25
ROYALWAY weight loss progra 44
SHAKTIMAN +weight lifter 7
TRIM fat & weight loss 41
V VOLKING light weight shoe 25
W2O/weight on watch 5
WILLIAM light weight 25
AUTOPAY weightiment payment 9
CHALLENCO +man & weights 28
CLICKERCISE +weights square 42
FITSY +weights 28
POCIMY +weights 42
VIGOUR GYM +weights 41
WEIGHT GAINER +weights 16, 41
little gym +man & weights 41
wel-mb 5
wel-set hardware +horse arc 6
KLIP-wel 7
klip-wel 6
welcare +hands & circle 10
welcome +hands & square 25
A1 RELIANCE welcome 42
THE SPRINGS welcome life 41
welcomgroup RAJPUTANA PALAC 29
welcure +hand & circle 5
welcure's +arrow oval & bir 5
WDPL welcure 5
weld KING BRAND +king & ova 6
weld POINT india industries 7
weld master +wm & cogwheel 9
weld-COR 9
AMPCO-weld 9
ASSO-weld 9
CARBO O weld +oval 9
CARBO-weld 9
CORE weld 9
EKNO weld +wing 9
ESS AAR power weld electrod 9
ESTEEM weld 9
INCO-weld 9
KOR-weld 9
MALIK weld m +flame 9
MAX-weld +sun & circle 9
MILLION weld 9
MS MASCO weld technologies 7
NBC weld-tech 6
NUCOR weld (india) 9
PRO weld +flash 9
PWS perfect weld system 7
R weld KING +oval 7
SOLIDIUM weld system 9
SW safe weld 9
THERMO-weld 9
TIG weld 42
mod-weld electrode-holder 17
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